A wide range of products and subcontracting services for your industry.
20 FEBRUARY 2023
From 29th to 31st March 2023, visitors will be able to learn about the complementarity of the subcontracting services offered by the consortium companies. The…
21 DECEMBER 2021
RUBBI S.R.L., a company in the subcontracting division of CAMSER, supplies finished products of light mechanical carpentry to leading companies in their sector, ranging from…
24 NOVEMBER 2021
CAMSER IS EXHIBITING AT MECSPE 2021! Six CAMSER member companies will exhibit at MECSPE 2021
Italian manufacturers of specialized mechanics
Viale A. Moro, 22
40127 Bologna
P.IVA 03117980379
Email: info@camser.com
Tel. 051 299512
Fax. 051 377346