TITLE: O.FF.E.R - On and oFF linE pRomotion: Continuation of the "online" push and the return to "offline" collectives
The Camser 2022 project is divided into a single action called ON- AND OFFLINE PROMOTION ON THE GERMAN MARKET AND COLLECTIVE GROWTH AT MECSPE. The promotional program focuses on a set of activities that consistently and synergistically want on the one hand to strengthen the online presence of our companies through the use of digital tools and, on the other hand, to support members with specialized consultancy, fairs and B2B events:
- Assessment: web visibility report
- Temporary Export Manager and / or Digital Export Manager: focus on the German market
- Digital marketing: creation of online campaigns in foreign language and their promotion; post creation for social LinkedIn
- Website: redesign of the consortium website and blog
- Promotional material: consortium catalogue and graphics
- B2B and face-to-face / virtual events: organization of face-to-face or virtual meetings with German buyers
- International Fairs: SAMUEXPO, Pordenone, 31st March-2nd April 2022 and MECSPE, Bologna, 8-11st June 2022
The value of the project amounts to € 150,987.70 with a total financial support granted of € 75,493.85.
- Encourage and convey new promotional tools for the creation of international business opportunities for companies;
- continue in the cultural elevation of member companies with regard to the importance and use of "digital"
- support member companies in the use of specialized platforms dedicated to the exchange and contact between supply and demand;
- encourage the renewal and expansion of the consortium offer with the inclusion of new companies and products for the creation of integrated business combinations to be promoted on the markets in order to increase their appeal;
- promote greater sharing and collaboration to encourage businesses to find new forms of shared promotion that will increase their competitiveness and intercept new market outlets.
The project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund